PINK is a sign of hope. It radiates gentleness, and loving energy when embraced.
PINK inspires a feeling of comfort and joyfulness.
PINK is associated with healthy flesh, new life, and heavenly care.
PINK represents unconditional love, requiring nothing in return and it is also the color of friendship and conviviality.
PINK was the color theme for this year’s FabBody Retreat because pink symbolizes: Femininity, Healing, Innocence, Peace, Playfulness, Romance, Sweetness, Tranquility, and Warmth says the beautiful creator of the retreat, Deanna Robinson @deannarobinsonfit.
This year the FabBody Retreat was hosted on the beautiful island of Grenada at the Royalton, a perfect backdrop to celebrate 5 years of bringing fabulous queens together for fitness, fellowship, and fun!
This was my second time attending the FabBody Retreat and I was blown away! Deanna steps it up every year and always outdoes the previous year. Not only was there a color theme, this year the retreat had 2 additional themes. A vision theme, which was Take Action “seize all God has for you with faith” and an element theme: Wind – representative of the storm, Peter faced, while walking on water. (Matthew 14:22-33)
For four days, the FabBody Retreat brought 50 women together for not only fitness of the body, but also fitness of the mind and soul.
Mental fitness can be defined as having and maintaining a state of well-being and cultivating awareness of how we think, behave, and feel. Spiritual (soul) fitness is the beliefs and practices that strengthen your connectedness with sources of hope, meaning, and purpose. Just as physical fitness provides us with an increased ability to respond to life in all its richness, mental and spiritual fitness help in the same way.
All three, having a healthy mind, body, and soul are extremely critical to developing overall wellness. The FabBody Retreats’ four-day itinerary was filled with amazing exercises and activities that satisfied the needs, wants, and desires of each woman’s mind, body, and soul.
On Friday, March 10th after all of the airport arrivals and the hotel welcome ceremony, all of the women came together for a setting intentions stretch & meditation led by Deanna and amazing stress transformation therapist @YogaSihnuu. Her soothing voice and nurturing energy were a perfect match with the themes of the retreat. This was such a euphoric way to kick the retreat off by setting intentions for your life and for what you wanted to get out of the retreat during the next couple of days.
A few other events/activities that stood out to me were the welcome dinner where all the ladies were asked to dress in beautiful pink gowns. The dinner decor, which was set up by @bookpassionfruit event design was impeccable. It was truly a dinner set up to host Queens. During the dinner, each woman got a chance to stand up and introduce themselves, give a fun interesting fact about themselves, and answer the question on a card that was placed in front of them before dinner. The introductions and responses were precious and vulnerable. A lot of the women really connected with each other because they shared a lot of the same goals and fears.
Deanna always makes sure the retreat gives back in some way to the country that the retreat is held in. This year we gave back to the Annandale Community Garden Project. The women got a chance to plant some new things in the garden and also they donated supplies to a local school that partners with the garden. Some of the children from the school were present to help with the gardening and also do some fun activities with the women. Each year a speaker is invited to come and bless the women with a story of overcoming trials and tribulations mixed with life and sometimes business advice. This year four different speakers from different walks of life were invited to sit on a panel. This gave all of the women the opportunity to be able to really relate to at least one of the speaker’s different journeys. This was all held during a relaxing and tranquil setup called the Pillow Talk, which was decorated in a very cute and chic way with pink pillows and pink blankets so the women could get very comfortable.
I was blessed with the opportunity to be one of the speakers and I was grateful to share my story and the stage with the other amazing women. Raevyn Hokett @raevynhokett, Free Marie @missfreemarie, and Nayoka Simone @nayokasimone blew me away with their stories. Each speaker exuded so much strength, resilience, and passion. All of their stories truly blessed me, and I was able to take something away from each one, so I know the other women were able to do the same.
The retreat was filled with so many amazing, memorable moments like Sunday Sunrise Service on the beach where we got the opportunity to hear angelic songs by the very talented Tashera Robinson @_Tashera. Such a heavenly experience that was truly needed. All of the women were asked to dress in white, representing an innocent, pure, clean slate ready to receive what their minds and souls needed. Sunday service was closed out with a strong short sermon by Raevyn Hokeytt, about not hiding what God has blessed you with and leaving behind all extra baggage in your life that weighs you down. She told the ladies to “leave that baggage at baggage claim“.
Work hard, play hard right? All of the women put in the work that they needed during the retreat, so they definitely got a chance to also play during activities like Dance Fitness with the very talented dancer @bella_evolve and the Wellness Glow Party hosted by renowned former 106 & Park host Miss Free Marie. Both events had the ladies all the way turnt up while also incorporating fitness.
The Royalton Grenada is a stunning resort, so the ladies had a lot of time in between activities to really enjoy the resort. Thank you to the staff at Royalton Grenada and the team at @PureGrenada for making the stay on the island very memorable.
Head over to the at @FabBodyretreat Instagram page so you can see more of the retreat’s fabulous footage, complements of Mia Benjamin, a local rockstar lead content creator and owner of @mmc.consultancy because I know my words alone do not do the retreat justice. You had to be there to really be able to truly understand how I feel as I’m writing these words about the retreat.
Thank you again to Deanna and her full team for the invitation and for such an INCREDIBLE and life-changing experience!
To all of the uniquely, amazing queens that attended the retreat… You are all so strong and beautiful. Remember, leave all of the things behind that are weighing you down. Don’t hide what God has blessed you with. You can accomplish anything that you want! Never give up. Keep F’n going!
For anyone reading this that did not attend this year’s FabBody Retreat… DON’T MISS THE NEXT ONE!
For more information about the next retreat:

Naomi is a stylish, adventurous traveler. She’s a bit of a daredevil that loves excursions. Those that know her, call her a shoe connoisseur. She is also obsessed with music and has a playlist for just about any mood. She’s a foodie that loves a good vegetarian/vegan spot. Want to know where she is headed next… stay tuned to find out!