Wrapper Delights creator, Tara Ferenczy, helped lead the Atlanta head wrap movement in 2016 with her handmade bold and colorful head wraps. With various bold African fabric choices for her clients, she hopes to one-day create head wrapping events around the world.
She sent me a few of her stunning headwraps and I fell in LOVE immediately! As soon as I wrapped my head with one, I felt beautiful, powerful and sexy. Like a STRONG BLACK QUEEN.
Tara let me have a little bit of her time to ask her a few questions and here is what she had to say… Take a look.
I love your head wraps! What inspired your brand?
Tara Ferenczy: Being new to natural hair, I was stuck trying to figure out my hair type, the best products, and I watched way too many YouTube tutorials. It was “team too much, lol.” I would attempt to do a twist out with a new hair care brand, and my hair would look horrendous. I couldn’t just leave the house so I used a scarf and went on about my business. However, the strands of hair hanging down were driving me crazy. I needed a wrap to match all my outfits thus the birth of Wrapper Delights was created.
Tell me a little bit about yourself, what were you doing before you launched your brand?
Tara Ferenczy: Way before launching Wrapper Delights, I was an in-home Mental Health Counselor for children. After becoming a mother myself, I wanted to stay home and raise my daughter; however, I needed income. I was also dismayed by the lack of cool clothes for girls that wasn’t pink and frilly. I’m a motorcycle jacket, lace cami, skinny jeans and motorcycle boots type of Black girl. I can’t be walking around with a miniature version of me wearing hot pink ruffles, so I started a brand called, “The Mini & Me.”
I made clothes I wanted for my child and come to find out others also liked the clothes I was creating for her too. After several years of success, my daughter started at a school where uniforms were required, so I lost inspiration and my muse.
Wrapper Delights Creator, Tara Ferenczy
Describe your brand in three words?
Vibrant, Edgy, Bold.
How has social media helped your brand?
Tara Ferenczy: Social media has been an excellent platform for my brand’s exposure. Growing an audience on the ‘gram’ was a learning experience. I am generally a shy person. I hate taking pictures of myself (you could never tell by looking at my website LOL). It takes me a while to get my thoughts from my heart and head into words. Instagram was my worst nightmare; however, I eventually got the hang of it. The key for me is authenticity. I am who I am, flaws and all. Also, having customers post pics in their Wrapper Delights head wraps and tag my page has helped my brands exposure exponentially. There is something to be said about word of mouth or shall I say the ‘word of tag.’
What are your growth plans for your brand?
Tara Ferenczy: Ah! I have a million ideas in this brain of mine, but only 24 hours in a day and only two hands. I have plans to expand the accessory section of the brand to include more earrings, bracelets with the addition of rings and other items I think are dope and different. I would like to have head wrapping parties all over the world. Think Tupperware parties for head wraps.
Her head wraps are made to encourage and strengthen girls and women who embody boldness, adventure, and creativity. “I aspire to inspire women to wear brighter colors, take charge, stand a little taller and laugh a little louder,” says Tara. To learn more about Tara and her beautiful brand, or if you want to purchase one of her stunning head wraps: www.wrapperdelights.com
Instagram @wrapperdelights

Naomi is a stylish, adventurous traveler. She’s a bit of a daredevil that loves excursions. Those that know her, call her a shoe connoisseur. She is also obsessed with music and has a playlist for just about any mood. She’s a foodie that loves a good vegetarian/vegan spot. Want to know where she is headed next… stay tuned to find out!